
ze_R0!Aynspresented by D/Arts – Projektbüro für Diversität und urbanen Dialog and CLUB Havera


In the fictional world of ze_R0!Ayns, five characters live in the year 2084. After an environmental catastrophe that originated in the 2020s, only 20 percent of the earth is inhabitable. After the characters have already been introduced on social media channels, viewers can now physically immerse themselves in the ze_R0!Ayns world in a performative and transmedia installation. At individual stations, they follow the characters' stories―equipped with headphones―through sound installations and scenography.

ze_R0!Ayns formulates the search for a utopian society and poses the question of how we want to live together. It is an artistic research project in which 31 artists and creative professionals surrounding a 15-member core team imagine dis-/utopian future scenarios in a heterogeneous society. In doing so, they offer alternatives for a communal life leaving behind the inequalities of our present and attempt to reformulate ways of working through collaborative work.

"What if gender, race, disability, and class no longer existed? If unconditional basic income became a fundamental right, based on the understanding that everything belongs to everyone? If conflicts, crises and wars remained horror stories of the past? If all sentient beings lived in harmony and constant synergy with their environment―with nature and with the machines?

The German and Austrian art and culture scene (especially in the field of performance and theatre) is still very German-speaking. However, in recent years, some efforts have been made to include multilingualism in the art and culture scene, so that people who do not have German as their first language can also have access to culture and art and can participate.

Even in a global/international work context, English is mostly the language of communication. Thus, the core team of the ze_R0!Ayns project has chosen English as the common project language. First and foremost, this enables the team to work together, while at the same time, with the performative installation "The World of ze_R0!Ayns", it offers a reflection of the above-mentioned heterogeneous society as well as precisely that accessibility for people living in Vienna who do not speak German. Through the creation of the associated social media channels and the website, people who are not resident in Vienna (or Austria) can also accompany the project, so that the project goes beyond local borders and enables international exchange.


Wientalterrasse, 1050 Wien

Further Information

Sheri Avraham, Nouk Baudrot, Lara Bellon, Faris Cuchi Gezahegn, Sarah Glück, Kim Groneweg, Anna Menecia Antenete Hambira, Mbatji Hambira, Ipek Hamzaoğlu, Theodor Moise, Gabriel Moncayo-Asan, Galo Moncayo-Asan, Martina Moro, Oliver Mathias Kratochwill, Joanna Zabielska.

A project by CLUB Havera in collaboration with D/Arts - Project Office for Diversity and Urban Dialogue.


ze_R0!Aynspresented by D/Arts – Projektbüro für Diversität und urbanen Dialog and CLUB Havera

Time Period

August 30 to September 1, 2022

U4 Pilgramgasse

In cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports.

Education - Events


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