Apply for funding now: The application deadline ends on September 15, 2024!
Preparing your funding application, please note our funding guidelines and further information which can be found under FAQs.
Appointments for preliminary discussions and a personal consultation are possible.
Please contact us for this via or by phone at +43 1 361 01 99-0.


Please send your funding application by mail to:
KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien
Nestroyplatz 1/1/14
1020 Vienna


KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien continuously reconsiders the change that art and the public sphere undergo. The public sphere is seen as a basis for negotiating political and social affairs. Information and communication are called for as correlative strategies to generate, visualize, and critically question contexts.

The possibilities of art lie in interlinking different forms of perception, thinking, experimental arrangements, and aesthetic experience. Art in public space is capable of responding to special urban places and situations and can reflect and define their conditions and speeds.

The public sphere should present itself as an accessible field in which democracy, opinion forming, and sociality can unfold their effects.


Deadlines (date as per postmark):
January 15
May 15
September 15

Funding application:
An application for a grant comprises 1 hardcopy as well as 1 digital copy (USB datastick) of the following elements:

  • the application form (with pre-tax details);
  • a description of the project presenting its contents and its importance and impact on public space as well as a summary of the legal and constructive prerequisites;
  • a visualization of the project (photograph, drawing, animation, etc.);
  • an expense budgeting (in tabular form): development of the project (planning, permits), implementation of the project (fees for artists and technicians, travel expenses, material costs, design of project, haulage, insurances, expenses for mounting the work in public space), maintenance, dismantling costs;
  • a financing plan (in tabular form): details on how the costs calculated for the expense budgeting will be covered (from the applicant’s own funds as well as all funds from public and private third parties);
  • biographies of the artist(s) and applicant(s);
  • a time schedule for the development and realization of the project
  • statutes, commercial register excerpts, models, portfolios, catalogues, CDs, DVDs, etc.

Funding decision:

The meetings of the KÖR jury will take place within six to eight weeks after the respective deadline date. The decisions of the jury, which do not have to be explained, will be communicated to the applicants in writing.