The objective of this sub-threshold two-stage project competition was to receive proposals for the artistic design of a “Memorial to the Men and Women Victimized by the Persecution of Homosexuals in the Nazi Era”, which is to be erected on a designated site in Resselpark, in the 4th municipal district of Vienna.
The competition was a two-stage open competition. The call for participation and proposals was issued by public notice and addressed to any interested parties. Project and concept proposals were submitted by January 17, 2022. Of these, eight were recommended for further development in the second stage.
On May 18, 2022, the 10-member voting jury decided in favor of the design from the artistic team of Sarah Ortmeyer and Karl Kolbitz.
Winning proposal: Sarah Ortmeyer and Karl Kolbitz - ARCUS (Shadow of a Rainbow).
"The sculpture ARCUS (Shadow of a Rainbow) translates the bright rainbow colors, today the symbol of the LGBTIQ movement, into diverse shades of gray, thus emphasizing mourning and commemoration. The design is simple and understandable at first glance, while at the same time multilayered, expressive and readable on different levels.
Through the use of the rainbow, the dignified remembrance of the men and women who were victims of homosexual persecution during the Nazi era is brought into the present and given contemporary resonance. At the same time, the sculpture creates curiosity; creates a multiplicity of shades despite its gray tones; and is unfathomable - because a rainbow as an optical phenomenon cannot actually cast a shadow. And unfathomable is also what happened, the persecution and murder of people.
Thus the half-circle form of the sculpture, which as if by chance creates space and moments to pause and linger, acquires poetry, connects past with the present, present with future, and mourning and commemoration with a reminder to all of us – because a rainbow needs ideal circumstances to appear – to be able to be alive.
The successful artistic realization also convinces with its elegance and lightness. The sculpture blends gently into the surroundings and the topography of the site. It is monumental yet fragile and opens up numerous new sightlines in the park."
-- Jury Statement
The sculpture is the shadow of a rainbow, a memorial to the people who were persecuted as homosexuals during the Nazi era.
For centuries, this natural phenomenon has represented hope. The colored rainbow is a symbol that emerged from the midst of the LGBTIQ community and is used around the globe. ARCUS thus deliberately counterposes external symbols that have been used to negatively label homosexuals.
History is interconnected. The suffering and struggles of previous generations influence our lives today and our lives tomorrow.
In nature, the rainbow is a complex phenomenon in a fragile state. It shines only when very specific conditions are in place. This delicate construct of equality and acceptance remains fragile.
By removing the familiar colors, a rainbow in shades of gray is created: ARCUS keeps the memory of those discriminated against, persecuted, and murdered as homosexuals alive.
The memorial in the Resselpark preserves and visualizes memory in solidarity.
-- Sarah Ortmeyer and Karl Kolbitz
Other submitted designs for the competition
You can view all submitted designs at this link:
Resselpark, 1040 Vienna
Further Information
Sub-Threshold Two-Stage Project Competition for the Artistic Design of a “Memorial to the Men and Women Victimized by the Persecution of Homosexuals in the Nazi Era” in 1040 Vienna
Cooperation Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für LGBTIQ-Angelegenheiten (WASt) and KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien
KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien
Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für LGBTIQ-Angelegenheiten (WASt)
KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien
Werkraum Ingenieure ZT-GmbH, Monika Trimmel
COMPETITION JURY (without title)
Julian Göthe, artist
Doris Haidvogl, landscape planner
Lea Halbwidl, head of district administration, 4th municipal district of Vienna
Franz Kobermaier, Municipal Dept. 19 – Architecture and Urban Design
Cordula Loidl-Reisch, landscape architect
Renate Meissner, Deputy Secretary General and Scientific Director of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism (substitute for Hannah M. Lessing, Secretary General of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism)
Ursula Maria Probst, artist (substitute for Doris Krüger, artist and former chair of KÖR jury)
Hannes Sulzenbacher, co-director, QWIEN Vienna Queer History Center
Ursula Schwarz, Municipal Dept. for Cultural Affairs (Department of Cultural Heritage)
Corinna Tomberger, art and social studies scholar
ADVISORY BOARD (no titles)
Andreas Brunner, co-director, QWIEN Vienna Center for Queer History
Gerhard Dully, Municipal Dept. 33 – Public Lighting
Hermann Halbauer, Municipal Dept. 28 – Road Management and Construction
Marty Huber, Türkis Rosa Lila Villa
Elisabeth Irschik, Municipal Dept. 19 – Architecture and Urban Design
Peter Melichar,
Sonja Moissl, Municipal Dept. 37 – Building Inspection
Peter Peternell, Vienna Public Transport
Franz Roth, Municipal Dept. 46 – Traffic Management and Organization
Martin Scherer, Municipal Dept. 34 – Building and Facility Management
Michael Schilcher, Municipal Dept. 42 – Parks and Gardens
Markus Steup, HOSI – Homosexual Initiative Vienna, member of the anti-fascist committee
Marianne Taferner, Municipal Dept. for Cultural Affairs (Department of Cultural Heritage)
Martina Taig, managing director, KÖR GmbH
Monika Trimmel, preliminary examiner, Werkraum Ingenieure ZT GmbH
Wolfgang Wilhelm, director, WASt
You can find the Competition Brief via this link.
You can find the Minutes of the Site Visit from Octobe 15, 2021 via this link. Additional important and noteworthy information from the magistrates have been added.
You can find the answered questions via this link.
Two-stage Competiton "Memorial to the Men and Women Victimized by the Persecution of Homosexuals in the Nazi Era"Winners of the competition: Sarah Ortmeyer and Karl Kolbitz
Time Period
Planned Realization: 2023
In cooperation with WASt - Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für LGBTIQ -Angelegenheiten
Education - Events
- Site inspection Friday, October 15, 2021 / at 10:00 AM
Vienna Anti-Discrimination Office for LGBTIQ Matters (WASt)
Attachements Competition Brief
Cooperation partner/s